Thursday, June 28, 2007

So, do they look alike?

This is Claire as a newborn...Look at those cheeks!

We think they do...Claire is into bringing Jacob things. The first day she brought him a paci and was so excited to put it in his mouth. Yesterday she brought him a duck rattle and was so excited to put it in his hand. Today she was just mad that she couldn't sit in mommy's lap. She will have to learn... We have a friend with a baby named Caroline that Claire went swimming with one day and for some reason she will not call Jacob anything but Caroline. She refuses to call him Jacob. It is pretty funny considering if we had a girl we would have named her Caroline :) Update on Jacob: His levels are still doing good and if everything goes okay tonight and tomorrow morning we might get to bring him home tomorrow! Hooray! Megan has been at the hospital for a week now and is READY to come HOME! So hopefully all goes well.

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Jacob Thomas

Our little guy decided to make his arrival a little bit early:) I went to my normal doctor check-up and they noticed my amniotic fluid was low so they decided to admit me and I was in the hospital from Thursday until I was induced Monday, and he was born at 4:02 pm. He weighed 7 pounds and 5 ounces and was 18 inches long. Not sure why we have such short babies :) He is doing okay. I got discharged today but he will most likely have to stay until next week because of a blood platelet problem. He is fine, but they are sorting some stuff out. I still have a room up there so am not really home. My mom is here with Claire and Nate is back and forth like a crazy man! Here are some pictures for you to enjoy. More to come.

Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Claire's New Room

Well, before we can begin working on the new baby's room, we had to finish Claire's room. It has been done for quite a while except her little table and chairs that I just finished painting. The table is lime green and the chairs are a watermelon color. We are really happy with how her room turned out! She helped us paint and put all the stickers on the wall. She is so proud of them. She likes to say good morning and good night to all the creatures on her wall. The baby's room should be done soon so be on the lookout for a "virtual tour" when we get that done.

Monday, June 04, 2007

Not doing anything exciting...

We haven't done any really cool to blog about lately. Here are some silly pics of Claire doing normal everyday things. We finally let her fingerpaint...She didn't understand that she wasn't supposed to paint her body. But it was fun anyways. Her walking around in my shoes...she has gotten that one down. We don't let her go in the backyard without shoes and we have crocs by the door. So when we mention that she needs shoes she will just go put ours on and walk around. It works, right? Here she is taking a "nap" with Mickey, Minnie, Donald and Pluto. Also, playing with some costume jewelry. She loves loves loves necklaces and bracelets! Such a girly girl. Hope all is well with everyone. Only 1 more month for us until new baby comes. We are far behind on room and names but should get with the program shortly. Need some new belly pics too...