Thursday, August 21, 2008

Princess Jacob

Yeeeee Hawwwww

This costume was given to us by a sweet friend. It is for Jacob. Size
24 months. Somebody didn't get the memo.

Monday, August 18, 2008

Eagle Feather

Nate and I attended the annual Eagle Feather on Saturday night. It is a dinner kind of thing for his squadron where they induct a few people into a squadron hall of fame. We eat and get to dress up and get be without kids. It was a fun time. Here is a picture of us before we left. The bump has arrived!

Sunday, August 17, 2008


Ever since we told Claire we were having a baby she has insisted it is a baby girl. Not only a baby girl, but a girl named Caroline. She even announced to her Sunday school teacher today that mommy had a baby caroline in her belly. Not sure if you remember her obsession with baby Caroline but, when Jacob was born she called him Caroline for the first month or so of his life. We met a baby at a swim party named Caroline and ever since she has called most babies (real and dolls) "Caroline" Anyways, we have tried telling her that we don't decide what kind of baby God gives us. God does and we are always thankful and love that baby no matter what. She gets really upset and says that she really really wants it to be a girl. We just have been talking about it a lot and never giving in and letting her think it is a girl. Well just now I heard some voices and went to check on who was making them. It is about 10 pm and we put her to bed at 8. We never heard a peep so assumed she was sleeping, wrong! She had all her books in her bed and had taken all the jacket covers off and said they were party tickets. We just couldn't even get mad. So we were both in there cuddling and talking with her and she turns to me and out of the blue says, "Mommy, I was just kidding about the baby only being a girl. It can be a boy, and if it's a boy I want to name it (pause) Froghopper." So I guess we have names out of the way for a boy and a girl! Nate and I just died laughing. So funny.

Wednesday, August 06, 2008

God is Great

He gives us chocolate cake! Remember that one :) He also is giving us another baby! We are shocked but thrilled. Baby number three will be here towards the end of February. I am about 11 weeks and doing great. I have been nauseous but nothing like the other two. After having to give an academy award winning performance for the doctor to give me Zofran with Jacob, they gave it to me over the phone this time. I love that stuff. It really helps. I have to ration it since insurance only covers 15 pills a month ($30 a pill adds up). Claire will only accept a girl, so it ought to be interesting. Jacob and #3 will about 20 months apart... Oh Lord, please help us! My mom and dad did it so I know we can too!!!! We'll keep you posted.

Saturday, August 02, 2008

Jacob Turns One!

Well he actually turned one at the end of June but we just celebrated his birthday a few weeks ago. We were waiting for Grandma and Granddad's arrival. We had a great time and Jacob loved destroying his cake. I can't believe he is already one.

Catch up

Well I emptied my recycle bin so that should give me a few more months of uploads, right! These are from the other day. We were running out of things to do so we went outside and played with water. It was sooo fun. Until Claire dumped about a gallon of bubble mix on the floor and the patio became very slippery. Jacob loved splashing in the water. Claire just dumped hers out and went and got more.

Friday, August 01, 2008


So long laptop. Claire figured out how to play games on
She is way impressive with the mouse. We are doing good. Sorry for the
lack of posts. I left my camera in the rain then while we were at
disney, nate's camera somehow got corrosion in it. Less than a yr old.
Nope that's not covered under warranty in case you were wondering. So
I had been using my big DSLR and went to upload last night and my
harddrive is full. So these posts are coming to you from my phone:)
love to you all out there in blogworld.