Wednesday, August 06, 2008

God is Great

He gives us chocolate cake! Remember that one :) He also is giving us another baby! We are shocked but thrilled. Baby number three will be here towards the end of February. I am about 11 weeks and doing great. I have been nauseous but nothing like the other two. After having to give an academy award winning performance for the doctor to give me Zofran with Jacob, they gave it to me over the phone this time. I love that stuff. It really helps. I have to ration it since insurance only covers 15 pills a month ($30 a pill adds up). Claire will only accept a girl, so it ought to be interesting. Jacob and #3 will about 20 months apart... Oh Lord, please help us! My mom and dad did it so I know we can too!!!! We'll keep you posted.


Hagg Family said...

yay!!!! Praise God for feeling well. I hope it stays that way!

Nana said...

With each day, I get more and more excited. I love the idea of having one more to cuddle and spoil. Congratulations and love to all of you. If Claire won't let you keep a blue one, you can send him here... Love, Mom

Martin 6 said...

AHHHH! Megan, that's great! Congrats my friend! Nothing better than a house full of kids and all the noise and love that they bring. We are so happy for you guys!

Jill said...

Holy cow.... NOT what I expected to see on your blog. Is it rude to ask if you were trying for #3?

My girls are almost 20 months apart. I really wouldn't recommend it, but it's getting easier as time goes on. I know you can handle it though, with all this mommy experience already under your belt! I was in over my head!

Hope you are feeling better soon! :) Congrats!

Mark and Corrie said...

CONGRATULATIONS!! I am so excited for y' all!