Sunday, August 17, 2008


Ever since we told Claire we were having a baby she has insisted it is a baby girl. Not only a baby girl, but a girl named Caroline. She even announced to her Sunday school teacher today that mommy had a baby caroline in her belly. Not sure if you remember her obsession with baby Caroline but, when Jacob was born she called him Caroline for the first month or so of his life. We met a baby at a swim party named Caroline and ever since she has called most babies (real and dolls) "Caroline" Anyways, we have tried telling her that we don't decide what kind of baby God gives us. God does and we are always thankful and love that baby no matter what. She gets really upset and says that she really really wants it to be a girl. We just have been talking about it a lot and never giving in and letting her think it is a girl. Well just now I heard some voices and went to check on who was making them. It is about 10 pm and we put her to bed at 8. We never heard a peep so assumed she was sleeping, wrong! She had all her books in her bed and had taken all the jacket covers off and said they were party tickets. We just couldn't even get mad. So we were both in there cuddling and talking with her and she turns to me and out of the blue says, "Mommy, I was just kidding about the baby only being a girl. It can be a boy, and if it's a boy I want to name it (pause) Froghopper." So I guess we have names out of the way for a boy and a girl! Nate and I just died laughing. So funny.


Unknown said...

That is one of the funniest things I have ever heard!! I'm cracking up over here. Where did she come up with that??! What a crazy girl!

Jill said...

hahaha! That girl keeps you on your toes, doesn't she? Froghopper!! LOL.

Nana said...

So what will we call him "F.H.? Froggie? We already have a "Hoppy". Never a dull moment...