Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Glorious Day

So maybe you haven't heard but my Claire Bear NEVER naps. She gave these up around 21 months... Yes very early. Most kids will nap until they are 3 or 4. Hmmm lucky me. Usually she is fine, doesn't really need them. But today she woke up early (yesterday too) and was a BEAR. So I pretty much forced her to take a nap. After many tears (and the promise of a new toy when she woke) she went to sleep. It was so great. Like, she laid in her bed and took a nap. She didn't fall asleep on the floor, watching a movie, or in the car but in her bed. When I realized she wasn't making noise and she was asleep, I got real excited and started thinking about all the things I could get done. Then I thought to myself...go take a nap. No shame, I took a nap too. We all took a nap for almost 3 hours. It was so awesome! Here are some nap pictures :) BTW right when she woke up she asked for her new toy!

Monday, July 30, 2007

Firetrucks and Airplanes

We went to playgroup at the firestation today and she loved the firetrucks. She even made friends with a fireman. Nate was home today and is flying tonight. She found his headset and I told her it was for when daddy flies his airplane. So she went and got her airplane, put on the head set and "flew" her own plane.

Jacob is a month old

The little guy is a month old now and isn't really doing anything cool or funny. He is either sleeping or eatting...doesn't make for the best blogs. But you can see how sweet and inncoent he is :)

Thursday, July 26, 2007

Everybody is gone...

but we are doing fine. Mom is holding her own in Houston. She has progressed from a walker to a wheelchair and gets a new cast tomorrow! Dad is still in the hospital recovering slowly. They are both learning to take it one day at a time :) J. and Lois are home as well after some airport issues that brought them back to us for an extra night! We didn't mind :) Here are some family pictures. Update on the Baby: Jacob had his last platelet count on Monday and everything looks great! Praise God!! We don't have to endure the heel prick and 10 minutes of hysterical screaming as they scrape his blood into a tube.

Sunday, July 15, 2007

Jacob's New Room

These are for you dad

Finally we are finished with Jacob's room. Most of it was done before he was born, but we had to add a few finishing touches. The theme is puppy dogs and we having a hard time keeping the puppy dogs in the room. Claire steals them and they end up all over the house. I can't blame her, most of them were hers to begin with! Nate's parents are in town until Tuesday and then we will be on our own. Megan's mom made it back to Houston safely. Now, Megan's Dad is in the hospital for back surgery. Please keep praying for Megan's family!!!! The bad luck just won't end. Sorry the video is so fast but I guess there is a size limit on youtube and the last video i took was too long!

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

We are now on a first name basis

with Trident Medical Center. Between Megan, Jacob, and now Megan's MOM we should have bought stock. She fell on Friday and broke her ankle and had to have surgery!!! She came home from the hospital yesterday. What a week it has been here at the Howards. I brought the camera and got permission to blog about to incident. Feel better soon, Momma!

Saturday, July 07, 2007

Trying out the new ride

We went for a walk the other day and loaded the kiddos in the double stroller. It wasn't as easy to steer but worked pretty good. We bought it from a friend and I had to call her to figure out how to open it!!! Complicated little piece of equipment.

Wednesday, July 04, 2007

More Jacob Pictures

Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Jacob is home!

Jacob chillin at the beach

Claire and Jacob bonding

Jacob and Daddy

Claire and Jacob in his crib after we brought him home

Nana and Jacob on the Beach

Jacob at his first doctor's appt

Hip Hip Hooray. We are so excited that he is home. We brought him home on Friday and have had to go to the lab every other day to get his platelets checked. His levels are holding steady so as of now he is doing good. He is sleeping great at night and eatting well too. We are enjoying having Nana here and Daddy home from work. Here are some recent pictures.